四款十月份限定口味 Four types of October Limited Edition Flavors

缤纷世界彩虹海绵蛋糕 Over The Rainbow Sponge Layer Cake

榛子焦糖海绵蛋糕 Hazelnut Sponge Layer Cake

奥利奥奶酪蛋糕 Oreo Cheesecake

杏仁提拉米苏焦糖海绵蛋糕 Almond Tiramisu Sponge Layer Cake
蛋糕促销价格:Cake promotional price with additional RM10 OFF RM85起,还追加折扣RM10

缤纷世界彩虹海绵蛋糕 Over The Rainbow Sponge Layer Cake

切开雪白蛋糕底下隐藏的7彩梦幻粉嫩彩虹海绵蛋糕,夹有绵密层层的香草奶油! 让女孩们直尖叫 ~
Definitely a wow factor to reveal that 7 layers of pastel rainbow color when you cut it out from the whole cake!

榛子焦糖海绵蛋糕 Hazelnut Sponge Layer Cake

bittersweet chocolate mousse sandwiched between fluffy vanilla sponge, coated with aromatic roasted hazelnuts and sweet caramelized sugar!

奥利奥奶酪蛋糕 Oreo Cheesecake

奥利奥控不容错过的蛋糕之一! 柔软细腻、香味浓郁、满满的幸福感
Don't missed out, Oreo Lover! Soft & delicate, rich fragrance, full of happiness

杏仁提拉米苏焦糖海绵蛋糕 Almond Tiramisu Sponge Layer Cake

Those light and fluffy vanilla sponges are sandwiched between espresso infused whipped cream, topped with sumptuous of roasted almond nuts together with golden caramelized sugar

RM10 折扣卷 Promo Code: tenten20

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